The single window admission to Polytechnic colleges in Kerala has gone online. The dedicated website for this purpose from the Department of Technical Education, Government of Kerala has started accepting applications online. This website also provides results,examination dates,examination procedure,entrance exam result, rank list, provisional rank list, counseling and allotment for polytechnic admission. Applicants can access the website (http://polyadmission.org/) and can use a single application to apply for different Courses o r Colleges at any number of districts.
The next step is to take the printout of the application entered and register the same at any of the polytechnics by remitting the required fees. Copies of the required certificates need be attached along with the printout. The application process will be complete only after registering at the Polytechnic. Applications for government seats at Self Financing Polytechnic Colleges can also be done along with Government Polytechnics. Applicant should note that Akshaya Centres are not authorized to collect the registration fees. Registration fee need be remitted at Polytechnic Colleges only. For any assistance, applicants can contact the help desks set up at Polytechnic colleges and all services at help desks are free. There is a comprehensive FAQ page on the website which gives detailed information to the applicants
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