To develop character, commandership, discipline, leadership, secular outlook, spirit of adventure and the ideas of selfless service of amongst the young of the countryTo create a human resource of organized trained and motivated youth to provide leadership in all walks of life and be always available for the service of the nation.To provide a suitable environment to motivate the youth to take-up a career in the armed forceThe national cadet corps is the Indian military cadet corps with its headquarters at New Delhi. Its formed on April 16th 1948.
it opened to school and college on voluntary based. During indo-pack war at 1965 and1948 NCC was second line of defense .NCC have an official song titled Him sib bharathey, it’s adopted in Oct 1983.Ncc has 17 directorate and it’s divided in to 788 units. And have 3 service groups’ army, naval, and air force
In our institution NCC is started about 30 years before under 29 Kerala battalion Kozhikode group. There are 107 NCC cadets having both SD and Sw and one NCC officer enrolled to our units .The Ex-NCC officers in our college are
- 1) Capt. Moidheenkutty
- 2) Lt. Mohammedkutty (Late)
- 3) Kunjimoidheen
- 4) Major K Ameer Ali
- 5) Lt. Abdul Majeed(Late)
- 6) LT Abdul Khayoom Fawas C
NCC Activities
NCC activities in our institution has once again proved its credibility during the year under review .Training imparts to cadets according to syllabi and cadets were put through annual trig camps ALC,RDC,NIC and also special verities of activities which improve adventure among the youth .Time bond activates as follows.
Month: July
Every year NCC enrolment has to select new cadets to the first year of NCC. Selection Performa is based on the the students physical and general ability.It’s purely under control of Battalion and NCC officer.
Independence Day
Every year NCC opening ceremonial function and Independence Day is held on ague 15.our principal host the flag and also he give a message to the students. We will make a special NCC parade on that day and also distribute sweets all over the collage.
Annual trig camp
Camps were organised in various parts of the state during the year each enrollment must at least 1 ACT in a year. These camps mainly improve leadership quality and teach a practical of meaning of our motto .From these camps cadets get chance to innovate their ideas and also they get a great lesson of time management. Usually these camps have 10 days training covering important lesson like weapon training, map reading, shooting, and leadership.
Army Attachment Camps
Every year 10 cadets from our institution attending these camps. In these camp cadets were attached to army unit in order to give then the insight to the routine traning followed by combat forces and to obtain clear view of the latest sophisticated equipments using in armed force
Centrally organized camps
It’s a special camp to make up the leadership quality. Every year one or two cadets from our institution attended in these camps like basic leadership camp and finally select to advanced leadership camp
National Integration camps
In these national camps cadets from all directorate participate and mainly to improve cultural ability. In every year four cadets from our college should be selected to do NIC held at Punjab, Delhi, And also got several prizes in many program.
Trekking camps
In every year two or three cadets from our college got chance to attend national trekking camp in out of states. Like nilagiri trekking, Assam, Kashmir covering distance of 100km .This camp build up physical and adventure skill; in cadet. Every year our college unit also conducting one day trekking in hill area like wayanadu, Palakkad, Munnar two or three staffs from the college also participate in these camps.
Guard of Horner
Our unit has a permanent guard team and got several chance to give guard to well known great personalities like ADG,DG,GC,CO etc and also to ministers.
Social service activities
NCC is being the prime youth movement in India is always in front in social service activities. The following statistics will reveal enthusiasm and efforts taken by NCC cadets
Blood Donation: Every year more than 50 cadets participated in blood donation camp conducted by group level and unit level
Tree plantation : about 100 sapling were planted every year
Aids awareness: participate in aids awareness camp.
Road safety awareness: our unit participates in road safety awareness camp and activities cooperating with road safety club in our campus during January every year.
Flag day collection: NCC cadets collect fund for widows and children of army soldiers who have died in various war and amount send to group. It is conducted on every year December 7th
NCC day celebration
Every year our unit celebrate NCC day on Nov 24th with various types of programs and activities
Republic day 26th Jan
Every year our chief unit celebrate republic day with varies programs .after flag hosting principal addressed the cadets and give massage cadets also conducts the special ceremonial parade and a film show also be there
Grace marks
Every year, cadets from polytechnic colleges get a grace mark of up to 5% in their academic subjects examination.
Certificate examination
Our cadets attend B and C certificate examination conducted by NCC directorate every year and got certificate
Closing ceremony
A closing ceremonial function is conducted after the B and C exams every year. A chief guest from the battalion participates in this program. Also, our principal and all heads of section attend the program
I consider it a matter of great honor to have been appointed as the NCC Officer of our polytechnic college. It gives me great pleasure to extend my warm greeting and felicitation to all cadets , PI staffs ,Our principal and all staff of polytechnic college. I am also hopeful that the NCC will be accorded a higher priority in the state so that we can attract the best of youth. I am express my all greeting to all who supported me for these success.